Drag and Drop Conversion

Quickly and easily convert .pdf files to kneeboard ready images

Convert even the largest .pdf manuals for all of your aircraft in no time. The massive A-10C manual takes less than five minutes.

Converted images are grouped into folders, allowing for effortless swapping between kneeboards.


Sectionalize Manuals

Split manuals into topic focused sections

Trim your manuals and split them into easy to find sections so you only get what you want when you want.


Kneeboard Creation

Setup seperate kneeboards for each aircraft with only a few clicks of the mouse

Want to focus on navigation today? Or how about just bomb some stuff? Pick and choose only what you need and your kneeboard is ready before you can say 'pickle'.


Kneeboard Customization

Change the position, size and color scheme of the kneeboard

Setup multiple kneeboard profiles and easily switch between them using the kneeboard builder taskbar icon.


Don't waste another minute!

Download Kneeboard Builder now and get flying.

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It's free!

Kneeboard Builder is free to download and distribute .